fredag 6 april 2012


Så här mitt på den kommunikationlösa långfredagen finns det en del postgång, trots allt. En gestalt svischade förbi trädtopparna i snöyran och tappade ett meddelande, när hon väjde för ormvråken. Colliebusen apporterade prompt pergamentrullen. Vi slet bort sigillet och vad hittade vi? Brådskande meddelanden militanta systrar emellan!
Chefshäx.. ehh, initialerna SM, den ledande i meningsutbytet om det pågående världskriget, är i vardagslivet amerikansk advokat och när man tycker att tillvaron är tuff, kan man tänka på att man trots allt inte är den kvinnans veterinär (eller, för den delen, hennes hund).
Dessa uppsnappade meddelanden mellan likasinnade är inte fejkade, jag lovar, men det medges att ju längre man läser, desto mer liknar man en fågelholk i uppsynen. Längst ner informeras det flygande systerskapet om en illavarslande upptäckt som handlar om World Dog Show och sedan kommer en oefterhärmlig mening: det här, kära läsare, är kommunikationen mellan DE SOM SÄTTER HUNDEN FÖRST.
Mycket nöje och glad påsk i snön!

Bodil Carlsson

S M: I would think, unfortunately, that the veterinarians will be patting themselves on the back for putting all us horrid show people who breed such 'damaged' dogs in our place and taking the next step toward actually ruling. Remember their first step toward controlling us was with the tail docking -- the vets were very involved in that; this is just the next step.
för 2 timmar sedan • Gilla • 3

N M: Hi S. I dont think the KC actually are actually getting much support from the ordinary 'non-extremist' vets. I heard that only 3 volunteered to do it at Crufts

S M Only because they were afraid, I believe, of the backlash, N. I know that if my vet, and I've gone through more than a few in my area because of their attitudes toward treatment of me and my dogs, had deliberately tried to find fault through the type of exams some of those dogs went through, as well as participating in a discriminatory procedure, I would not hesitate to dump him and I'd do so by visiting the office and very clearly speaking out against it. They are, I believe, afraid of losing cash in a stapped economy.
för 2 timmar sedan • Gilla

S M Having dealt with this continued war, through the first stage of tail docking, I am very cynical regarding the participants, I'm sorry to say.
för 2 timmar sedan • Gilla

N M: I make sure i only use fantastic vets - and am prepared to hunt them out. My vet, incidentally, always has 2 pet spaniels that are DOCKED. I chose to use him, not only for his ability but for his attitude. He who pays the piper calls the tune

G S: S, just picked up a point from your first posting. The Kc is made up of dog folk many of whom have had many successful years of showing and breeding so why wouldn't they understand genetics be it the very basics. I must admit I don't understand the complicated stuff as I am sure most of us don't unless we are in a breed that has or has had problems.
för ungefär en timme sedan • Gilla

R C: Let's not forget how this debacle started in the first place folks. As i recall we had the docking issue,then we had that biassed tv documentary with a follow up and if that wasn't enough, instead of the KC our so called representatives backing us, they abandoned ship and chose to appease the media and AR. Yes indeed they are our representatives as exhibitors and breeders and now it's time for them to listen to those that have supported them over the years, of coarse they know the ins and outs of dog breeding just a shame they don't know which side their bread is buttered.

V H: S, I think that a lot of 'discrimination' against breeds came about through the conventions raised by the Council of Europe which is all in OUR DOGS this week. I would recommend a thourough reading of that article so people have a real handle on why breeds are under threat from forces larger than the KC.
för 7 minuter sedan • Gilla

S M: G, I simply do not believe that the KC as a whole understands the genetics of the breeds or that they necessarily have the best interests of the dog community in mind and instead, as Robert so aptly points out, they have a knee-jerk reaction to demands placed on them by those who really don't have a clue.
för 6 minuter sedan • Gilla
I've just entered the World Dog Show in Austria - this is the statement they issue on their website. Interesting ! ......... The exhibiting of dogs with tortured breeding characteristics (for example dogs with difficulty in breathing, hairless dogs with a strong tooth outnumbered or toothless) is prohibited!
Gilla • • Följ inlägget •
Dog people putting Dogs first- The Canine Alliance Responsible for Pedigree Dogs

coven: häxcirkel, häxsammanslutning
dock, docking ban: kupera, resp kuperingsförbud
biassed tv documentary= tendentiö tv-doku, syftar på Pedigree Dogs Exposed för 3 år sedan
AR= Animal Rights-aktivister, aggressivt folk, som bl a vill förbjuda alla sällskapsdjur. Sägs det.
knee-jerk reaction= ren reflex som gensvar på ngt

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